Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Green Day: making anti-Bush albums since 2004

Note to Billy Joe: if you’re going to write a political album, make sure there’s an appropriate political environment. If you don’t, you may end up making “21st Century Breakdown.” It portrays America as a country of disillusioned cynics railing against censorship, corruption and manipulation.

Sound familiar? It’s what the band told us about their 2004 anti-Bush album American Idiot. The difference? Back then, we were disillusioned cynics railing against censorship, corruption and manipulation. Remember, in 2004 it was the top of the fourth inning in Bush’s eight-year ballgame. Now, we are the most hopeful we have been in generations. Not even a near economic depression nor a foreign war on two fronts can rain out our game. Green Day's storm clouds don’t reflect that hopefulness we expect for a band touted as the anthem writers of change. The album’s point of view is more infuriating when contrasted to how brilliant the songs are– hefty melodies, an emotional range in Billy Joe’s voice that challenge the riffs to crest in Who-like proportions.

Had the album come out before the 2008 election it might have found ears hungry to hears it’s rebellious message. Maybe years from now the world will sync up with its pessimistic landscape. Either way, the music will stand on its own regardless of the propaganda.

1 comment:

  1. this is what i was worried about.. green day is a band that has changed so many times and been relevant to so many people.. but they went political? why?.. i mean i guess that albums about smoking pot, masturbation and breakups w/ girlfriends is no longer relevant to their 30year old lifestyles anymore.. so politics is the direction they headed in gee great.. we get it already, you didnt like bush.. got it! last album

    anyways... i still want to listen to the album when i get my hands on it... maybe i just wont listen to the words.. hehe
